The Fire Within—A Letter From Marisa

Not too long ago, I had a conversation with a man in his mid-40s who told me he was "pretty much done with life." He wasn’t sick, nor was he going through some major crisis—he just felt like he’d done everything he was ever going to do.
There was nothing new on the horizon, no great adventure left to chase. In his mind, his story had already been written, and he was just waiting for the pages to turn until the book closed.
That conversation unsettled me. I've always been hungry—for the street tacos on the side of the road in Mexico, sure, but more importantly, for life. For adventure. For the next big thing.
I don’t understand how someone can lose their hunger for life. Maybe it’s because I’ve always had something burning inside of me, a fire that drives me forward.
I believe we’re all the writers of our own stories, and if you don’t pick up the pen, someone else—or worse, nothing at all—will write it for you. What is your human experience going to read like at the end?
That’s not to say it’s always easy. The best stories never are. If you’ve ever set your sights on something big, you know the road isn’t always smooth.
You’ll hear “no” more times than you’d like. You’ll mess up. You’ll fall flat on your face, maybe more than once.
But failure isn’t the end of the narrative; it’s just part of the plot.
The difference between those who live extraordinary lives and those who do not isn’t talent, luck, or opportunity. It’s the willingness to keep going.
If I had listened to the naysayers over the years, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t have had the amazing experiences I’ve had. I wouldn’t have seen the places I’ve seen, met the people I’ve met, or done the things I once only dreamed about.
I like to think that my fire, my hunger, ultimately landed me the coolest job in existence.
But here’s the thing—I don’t believe I’m special. I just believe in refusing to settle. I'm always looking forward, never letting the fire die out.
That’s what keeps us moving, isn’t it? The idea that there’s always more out there. More roads to ride, places to see, and motorcycles to swing a leg over.
For some people, that fire burns for adventure. For others, it’s about pushing their career forward, building something from nothing, or chasing a dream that seems impossible. Or perhaps it’s as simple as looking forward to the next trip with their friends.
It doesn’t matter what the fire burns for—what matters is that it keeps burning.
Part of what keeps my own fire burning isn’t just the experiences I get to have, but also sharing them with you. Through both written and visual storytelling, I get to bring you along for the ride to share the roads and stories that make motorcycle travel so incredible.
There’s something special about knowing that when you pick up the next issue of RoadRUNNER, something you read might fuel the fire within you, too.
I hope that as you read the words we write, you feel inspired to chase a dream—maybe even one you didn’t know you had. Whether it’s a ride across the country, an off-the-grid adventure, or just a weekend escape to somewhere new, I hope our stories remind you that there’s always more life to live.
So, if you’re feeling stuck, if you’ve started to wonder what comes next and the fire is flickering, remember this: the world is still out there waiting for you. Don’t take no for an answer. How will the next chapter of your story read?
When you need a little extra inspiration, you know where to find us.
Stay hungry,
Marisa McInturff
Managing Editor