Thank You—A Letter from Florian

This time of the year is always one of reflection. It’s just natural after the whirlwind of a busy travel season.
Last winter, I got ants in my pants and signed myself up for a whole bunch of trips. They were all epic, but with so much time on the road, the clock seemed to be ticking faster.
I haven’t even mentally processed most of my outings yet, because there’s a business to run. No time to rest. It seems like every hour on the road results in two hours of catch-up work in the office.
During the spring and summer, I learned of new price increases (mainly postage) impacting the print magazine. After debating for a long time on how to proceed, I asked for your help. And did you all ever deliver.
I’ve always claimed RoadRUNNER has the best readers, but your latest show of support stunned all of us. Thanks to your generosity, we don’t have to raise our subscription prices! We are going strong, thanks to you and our advertisers.
Here’s a little foreshadowing to get you pumped for 2025—we’ll be celebrating 25 years of RoadRUNNER! It’s a huge milestone, but enough about us. Let’s talk about you.
Throughout 2025, we have planned many special surprises for you—some for our print subscribers, some for our web subscribers, and some for our free newsletter subscribers. The biggest of them all will be announced early in the year. The best way to find out what we have in store for 2025 is to maintain an active print, web, and newsletter subscription. Stay tuned, you don't want to miss it!
In the meantime, you can continue to read all of our exciting motorcycle travel stories right here with your web subscription.
Here's a look at what's new this month:
Justin and Kyra tour their old stomping grounds on the Chehalis, Washington Shamrock Tour®. Geoff and Liz explore the area around Skyline Drive through the eyes of Europeans. Discover the Long and Winding Road with Jeff and tackle the Lockwood Valley Washout with Robert. You can learn how your rubbers are made with Caleb in the most recent Shop Talk. You can also read my recent review of the 2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP. Oh, there's also a video of that one.
Your own bucket list no doubt just got longer. That’s just fine, though, because most of us are about to head into the planning season of the year—or about to find a new motorcycle.
From everybody at RoadRUNNER, we wish you peaceful days with family and friends. We are deeply grateful for your support. The current issue and online stories are dedicated to you.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Florian Neuhauser