City Escape: Allentown, PA

City Escape: Allentown, PA

Pennsylvania may not be the best-known riding destination in America, but it’s one of my favorites. Over the years, I’ve been to virtually every corner of the state. Pennsylvania just ticks most of my motorcycle touring boxes— curvy backroads, historical locations, off-the-beaten-path destinations, and interesting terrain in terms of elevation changes and breathtaking scenery, particularly in the fall. This City Escape navigates urban, suburban, exurban, and rural landscapes, combining history, curves, and scenic splendor in a one-day package.

The main roads are usually in good shape, but some secondary ones may not have received the same level of care, particularly after the harsh winter months. Pennsylvania’s “named” roads are often the most scenic and fun to ride, although some of them may be rough. The more rural routes traverse mountain ridges in heavily forested terrain but reward you with overlooks to the narrow valleys below.