Racing The 2022 Biltwell 100

One Of The Best Days Of Our Lives
The Biltwell 100. It’s a (you guessed it) 100-mile desert race, smack-dab in the middle of the California desert—just outside of Ridgecrest, CA—on a sliver of dusty, sandy BLM land. This is an event where novice and experienced riders alike come out to camp, share stories over a fire, enjoy each other’s company, race motorcycles that were never meant to be raced in the desert, and—most importantly—have a ball while doing it all. At the Biltwell 100, ego is better left at the door. The motto for the weekend is “good times, not lap times.” And if there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that the goal of this event is to have as much fun as possible.
In case you don’t know anything about the Go Fast Don’t Die (GFDD) crew, we jump at any given chance to celebrate this life we were given. Whether that looks like quitting your job that has made you miserable for the past five years or taking a bucket list road trip across the U.S. visiting every national park, we will do it. For our team on this particular weekend, our celebration looked like racing a 1974 Piaggio Vespa Primavera 125 and a 2002 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 with a KTM 450 front end through a dusty 25-mile desert trail approximately four times.

See, we’re all about challenging ourselves, taking risks, and living life the best way we know how. Are we competitive? Do we do things that are outside the box? Check and check.