Motorcycle Events You Don’t Want to Miss in 2022

If you’re looking for something fun to do this year, look no further. Below is a list of motorcycle events across the country that are sure to entertain! Whether you want to ride in a new area, meet new friends, watch the pro’s, or simply put more miles on your bike in 2022, these events are for you!

If single track is your jam, and you’ve been itching to ride all winter, head out to California for the Death Valley Dual Sport Rally!
February 19-21, 2022
Ridgecrest, CA

Cruising the strip. Checking out custom choppers. Meeting people from around the country. Soaking in the warm Florida weather… Sounds great to us!
March 4 – 13, 2022
Daytona Beach, FL
The biggest ADV gathering in the country, March Moto Madness brings together nearly 1000 adventure and dual sport riders from around the country for a fun weekend of off-roading. You may find a few RoadRUNNER staffer’s here this year!
March 31 – April 3, 2022
Tellico Plains, TN

MotoGP at Circuit of the Americas
Watch the pro’s race around Circuit of the Americas in this incredibly popular annual MotoGP race!
April 8-10
Austin, TX
This is a free Motorcycle Sport Touring Association “just for fun” event. Kick off the riding season with twisty roads in the Ozarks!
April 22-24
Eureka Springs, AR
Horizons Unlimited Travelers Meet
Do you travel long distances on your motorcycle? If not, want to learn how? This event brings together some of the most experienced long distance travelers – you’ll come away learning something, no doubt.
April 21-24, 2022
Appomattox, VA
This ADV rally put on by RevZilla is one you won’t want to miss. Get training, meet new friends, and ride amazing trails through the Mojave Desert.
April 21-24, 2022
Mojave, CA
This is a free Motorcycle Sport Touring Association “just for fun” event in Northern Georgia.
April 22-24
Helen, GA

Myrtle Beach Bike Week® — Rides, Tours, Events, Vendors, Entertainment, and much more is planned for you to enjoy during your Rally Vacation on the Grand Strand. Staying 10 days or one day – Everyone and all Motorcycles are welcome.
May 10-19, 2022
Myrtle Beach, SC
Great Smoky Mountains Motomarathon
Motomarathon™ is a new sport. It’s about riding as many twisties and scenic roads as possible, over four full days. Routes are kept secret until the night before each event. Through a series of self-recorded checkpoints, riders verify completion at the end of each day’s ride.
May 31 – June 3, 2022
Location TBA
Get ready for the rumble as 20,000 bikers from all different backgrounds line Main Street for one crazy party. Live music can be found all over town, along with vendors carrying everything from leather and lace to food and fun. While you’re here, make sure you ride the Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway, a 84-mile loop through northern New Mexico’s most beautiful scenery.
May 26-30, 2022
Red River, NM

MotoAmerica at Road America & Vintage MotoFest
Superbikes races are returning to America’s National Park of Speed, Road America, on June 3-5, 2022. A highlight of the weekend is Road America’s Vintage MotoFest on Saturday, June 4. Widely regarded as the premier Wisconsin ride-in vintage motorcycle show and party featuring an eclectic mix of Euro, Japanese and American vintage café racers, choppers, sport bikes, racers, supermotos, scooters, and sidecars. All makes and models are welcome!
June 3-5, 2022
Plymouth, WI
ADVxRally is a time-speed-distance rally where we take large bikes on small trails for big adventures.
June 3-5, 2022
Cairo, WV
Motorcycling Rotarians International Convention
Do you love to ride and want to connect with other motorcyclists around the world? Do you want to make positive changes in your community and the world? Become a Motorcycling Rotarian to connect with those who share your love of riding and a passion for local and global community service and friendship. We meet online and ride in person.
June 4-8, 2022
Houston, TX
Americade 2022 offers more factory demos, more riding events, and more activities than at any other event in the U.S. Americade’s Expo is the largest single-site motorcycle expo in the country.
June 7-11, 2022
Lake George, NY
The oldest motorcycle rally! Celebrating 99 years of riding legacy in 2022 with YOU because it’s been you, our riders, who have made Laconia Motorcycle Week® the World-Class Rally it is today!
June 11-19, 2022
Laconia, NH
BMW MOA National Rally (50th Anniversary)
The annual gathering of the BMW Motorcycle Owners Association is a large event bringing in all types of riders (even some that don’t ride BMW’s).
June 16-18, 2022
Springfield, MO
This is a Motorcycle Sport Touring Association event in Missouri.
June 19-22, 2022
Cape Girardeau, MO
Wing Ding is the ultimate Honda Gold Wing & Touring Bike convention! Hosted by GWRRA at different locations across the United States every year, the rides to Wing Ding as well as unique atmospheres are unforgettable. Come join us for a motorcycle convention unlike any other, where you can enjoy the company of friends with live entertainment in a beautiful location, learn more about motorcycle safety, discover all the latest products for your bike, and even test drive a new one.
June 28 – July 2, 2022
Shereveport, Louisiana

Muskegon Bike Time is a 4 day annual celebration of motorcycles held the third weekend in July. The festival attracts motorcyclist and the general public for its spectacle, concerts, entertainment and food.
July 14-17, 2022
Muskegon, MI
This ADV rally put on by RevZilla is one you won’t want to miss. Get training, meet new friends, and ride amazing trails through the Black Hills.
July 14-17, 2022
Black Hills, SD
If classic rides interest you, then you don’t want to miss the AMA Vintage Days! There’s so much to see, you won’t get to all of it!
July 22-24, 2022
Lexington, OH

Say no more. All things motorcycle happen at this event, from flat track racing to burn out’s at 3am. No matter the kind of rider, there is something for everyone at Sturgis.
August 5-14, 2022
Sturgis, South Dakota
Cornerslayer is a series of guided sport touring rides covering some of the most revered twisty ride routes in the USA. Similar in format to the Reliability Rally. Expect 400+ miles in two riding days. Group accommodations (3 nights) and several meals are provided. All street bikes 250cc+ are welcome to attend. There is NO PRICE CAP. Reliability Rally veterans can think of this as the official “RR for nice bikes.”
AUGUST 12-15, 2022
Seneca Rocks, WV
This is a free Motorcycle Sport Touring Association “just for fun” event in Kentucky.
August 11-14, 2022
Mt. Sterling, KY
Tennessee Knockout Hard Enduro
This is one of the only chances you have in the USA to watch the pro’s of Hard Enduro tackle boulders, hill climbs, and more! This event is fun for the whole family, and will inspire you to brush up on your riding skills! Part of the Red Bull Hard Enduro Championships.
August 12-14, 2022
Sequatchie Valley, TN
Touratech DirtDaze Rally is a welcoming, totally immersive riding/social/educational highlight of the summer for adventure and dual sport riders. Novice or Advanced, you’ll have a great time.
August 16 – 21, 2022
North Haverhill, NH
Bonneville Salt Flats Motorcycle Speed Trials
See people make motorcycling history at the mecca of speed, the Bonneville Salt Flats
August 27 – September 1 2022
Wendover, UT

Jump on your bike (or whatever sweet ride you got) and meet us at Devil’s Tower for a run to Yellowstone National Park. It will be a wild ride where you are sure to make new old friends, and enjoy all the scenery the beautiful state of Wyoming has to offer in the best way we know how… on a sweet set of wheels. So get on your iron stallion and rip on over to Devil’s Tower.
September 2-5, 2022
Yellowstone National Park
ADVxRally is a time-speed-distance rally where we take large bikes on small trails for big adventures.
September 2-4, 2022
Tellico Plains, TN
WWW is a 5-day adventure motorcycle rally held in Nelsonville, Ohio. Come enjoy hairpin twisties and scenic country roads through Hocking Hills State Park on Ohio’s Windy 9. There are 130 miles of challenging trails through Wayne National Forest and endless miles of county gravel roads.
September 7-11, 2022
Nelsonville, OH
A free BYOE event in Eastern KY for adv and dual sport loving riders. You may find a few RoadRUNNER staffer’s here this year!
September 15-18, 2022
Beattyville, KY
Reliability Rally – Coal Country Calamity
Reliability Rally is a friendly motorcycle tour and contest exclusively for bikes that were purchased for $1000 or less. The guided ride runs approximately 400 miles over 2 riding days.
September 16-19, 2022
Gilbert, WV

Held at Barbers Motorsports Park, the annual Vintage Festival has everything from swap meets, to shows, to vintage racing… Come stay the weekend, and wear your walking shoes!
October 7 – 9, 2022
Leeds, AL
Adventurers ready for the most extreme adventure, get ready for the challenges of the Red Clay Rally! You may find a few RoadRUNNER staffer’s here this year!
October 28-30, 2022
Clay City, KY

It’s like Sturgis, but in Texas! All motorcycles are welcome to attend. Music, entertainment, food, and fun riding!
Nov 4-7, 2022
Galveston, TX