Iron Boys Part 4: The Peckville Moto-X-Team

No great dirt bike story starts with a kid trying to earn a Webelos Badge in a church basement. Just kidding.
It was there, that my future as a Boy Scout came to an abrupt halt. I was about 10 and Mr. Walters, our Scoutmaster, had the gall to toss me out for smoking in the boys’ room.
I wasn’t the only one who got caught, but the smokes were mine. I thought there might be a little wiggle room since it was the same brand Father Gilbride smoked, but a Marlboro Red badge can only get a kid out of so much trouble in life.
Understandably, I was miffed. This pencil-necked geek, who had an archive of Playboy pinups plastered around his secret workshop off the basement where we usually met, suddenly discovered he had a moral compass?